Milagros pieces from exhibition "I RUM"
For Mirjam
Heart I
Milagros for the Heart 3
Milagros for S
Milagros for Growing
Milagros for Balance
Milagros for the Heart I
Milagros for the Heart II
Milagros for J
Close-up Milagros for the Heart II
Close-up Milagros for J
Close-up Milagros for the Heart I
Close-up Milagros for Balance
Close-up Milagros for Growing
Milagros for J - at owners home
Milagros for J at exhibition "I RUM"
Milagros pieces from exhibition "I RUM"
Milagros pieces from exhibition "I RUM"
Milagros pieces from exhibition "I RUM"
Milagros pieces from exhibition "I RUM"
Milagros pieces from exhibition "I RUM"
Milagros pieces from exhibition "I RUM"

The Milagros Mobiles are inspired by the Mexican (originally Spanish) tradition of milagros. The milagro is a votive in the shape of a body part, sacrificed at a sacred place to protect the part of the body it's shaped after, or what the part represents.

The symbols used together with the body parts in the Milagros Mobiles are symbols traditionally used for emotion, protection and balance in different cultures and religions.

The parts used in the pieces are picked to together create a meaning, a purpose, to answer a need.

All the pieces are hand sawn, handmade in silver, copper and other metals.

For Mirjam
For Mirjam

2019 / goldplated copper

Heart I
Heart I

2018 / rose goldplated copper

Milagros for the Heart 3
Milagros for the Heart 3

2018 / rose goldplated copper

Milagros for S
Milagros for S

2018 / rose goldplated copper

For protection and healing of the female reproductive organs.

Milagros for Growing
Milagros for Growing

2015 / silverplated copper

Roots, growth, life.

Milagros for Balance
Milagros for Balance

2015 / rose goldplated copper

Milagros for the Heart I
Milagros for the Heart I

2015 / silverplated copper

Protection and celebration of both the physical and the symbolic heart.

Milagros for the Heart II
Milagros for the Heart II

2015 / goldplated copper

Protection and celebration of both the physical heart, and also everything the heart represents. The importance of the heart is highlighted in the choice of the size of the heart piece.

Milagros for J
Milagros for J

2014 / silverplated copper

Close-up Milagros for the Heart II
Close-up Milagros for the Heart II
Close-up Milagros for J
Close-up Milagros for J
Close-up Milagros for the Heart I
Close-up Milagros for the Heart I
Close-up Milagros for Balance
Close-up Milagros for Balance
Close-up Milagros for Growing
Close-up Milagros for Growing
Milagros for J - at owners home
Milagros for J - at owners home
Milagros for J at exhibition "I RUM"
Milagros for J at exhibition "I RUM"
Milagros pieces from exhibition "I RUM"
Milagros pieces from exhibition "I RUM"
Milagros pieces from exhibition "I RUM"
Milagros pieces from exhibition "I RUM"
Milagros pieces from exhibition "I RUM"
Milagros pieces from exhibition "I RUM"
Milagros pieces from exhibition "I RUM"
Milagros pieces from exhibition "I RUM"